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It’s Resolution Time: Will This Time Be Different? How Retailers Can Benefit (And Help)

The number one resolution last New Year’s was around losing weight—38% of those who make a resolution made this their number one goal while staying fit and healthy was also in the top 5. Alas, we have similar resolutions (again and again).

No surprise, then, that we are entering “diet season” in the health and wellness sphere, which typically means a nice short term boost for gym memberships, diet programs and a push towards healthier foods at the supermarket. Unfortunately, only 8% of people stick to their resolutions. That’s a depressing disconnect between intent and actualization. And missed opportunities for businesses to capitalize on the opportunity.

We spoke with a few leading experts to understand how consumers can stick with their resolutions longer and of course, the business of resolutions. Carl Daikeler is the CEO and Co-Founder of fitness and nutrition company, Beachbody, and Autumn Calabrese is a Beachbody Super Trainer and Creator of the 21 Day Fix.

Beachbody was started in 1998 and has evolved into a $1.3 billion, privately held business with a simple goal, helping people achieve healthy fulfilling lives. The business has evolved as technology has come into play to help people achieve their goals. Beachbody now has four separate components: from its roots in direct marketing (infomercials like the infamous P90X), the program has evolved into direct selling (peer to peer marketing), Beachbody Live in the form of classes and certified trainers and the newest component, Beachbody on Demand, which aims to be the Netflix of wellness. The entire library of content will be available for $99/year.

Carl spoke to the four components that are essential to any resolution, and built into any of the main Beachbody programs like Country Heat, Core De Force, P90X, 21 Day Fix and more. “Most people make bad resolutions,” Carl says, because they lack these four main components:

  • Fitness is incredibly important. There are multiple programs and people can find wide access to programs, and can do everything from joining a gym, taking classes, utilizing trainers or gaining access to programs.
  • Nutrition must be combined with fitness. You can’t effectively achieve goals with fitness alone. Diet and nutrition play a critical role. The beauty of the 21 Day Fix is that it makes portion control, the bane of American diets, much easier to control.
  • Accountability and influence. A support system is critical. It can be through a loved one, support groups, social media or a planned program. Autumn Calabrese has over 30,000 followers for 21 Day Fix on Facebook, but communities, real and virtual, are critical for motivation and commitment. Apps like My Challenge Tracker also creates new ways to achieve accountability.
  • Specific short term goals. If your goal is to lose 100 pounds, it becomes too daunting. Set short term attainable goals (10 pounds by Valentine’s Day) on your way to long term commitments.

And, of course, being on a diet is not the goal. Autumn speaks to changing your lifestyle, avoiding the temptations of the supermarket (shop the perimeter, avoid candy near the checkout), etc. as ways to successfully stay on track.

After conversations with both, it is clear what to do (and what not to do). However, it is also clear how difficult it is to stay on track, even with great programs, a variety of options and motivation.  When we asked Autumn what happens on Day 22 of the 21 Day Fix, she sounded suspiciously like Jeff Bezos, declaring it “day one” of the next challenge.

The business of resolutions will continue to be a business as new programs (Country Heat anyone?) create new ways to stay motivated.  Good luck sticking to your 2017 resolutions!

Neil Stern for Forbes


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