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Image Credit: Amazon

It’s the Day After. Do you know where your customers are?

It’s the Day After.  Do you know where your customers are?

If you are an Amazon competitor, it’s read and react time.

Start with these questions.


Did your customer know you were competing?

Did you experience a traffic lift?

Was the lift driven by Prime Day, or by a combination of Prime Day and your own campaigns?

Which campaign delivered the highest ROI?


Were you competing where your customer was shopping?

How did your traffic on mobile devices perform?


Were you competing effectively?

Did you beat Amazon on any pricing – and did that show in an item’s sales results?

Did you react to Amazon pricing moves?

Did you use your differentiated positioning to your advantage, and not solely rely on price?

Were you able to test and iterate?


Is there a reason your customer should stay with you?

Did you do anything to build loyalty or create stickiness with your best customers?

Did you give reasons to visit your physical store?

Did you get auto-renewal subscriptions?

Did you get new credit-card customers?

Did you sign service agreements?

Did you increase loyalty program participants?


Are sales incremental?

Did you cannibalize June / July / August performance?


Was your customer pleased with their experience?

Where do your operations and response times need to improve?


Do you have the tools to analyze Prime Day effectively?

Are you looking at data or making guesses?

Are you open to questioning your assumptions?


And most importantly – how will you win at Holiday time?


McMillanDoolittle is a premier international retail consultancy bringing deep experience with world class clients. Our partners have extensive experience interpreting the retail marketplace and converting insights into successful strategies. We help clients develop innovative solutions in strategy development, the customer experience, new concepts, brand performance, retail performance improvement and retail intelligence services.

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